
That's all we did??

OK, monday's regular session was postponed because i had another job i had to get done, so Christian and Tim did some work by themselves on tuesday afternoon while i was at my other job (you know, the one that actually provides me with a constant paycheck so that i can feed the familly and pay the mortgage). On one hand, sessions like these are a bit sketchy, because i am not there to "oversee" the production and provide artistic direction - not that these guys aren't capable of doing great things; they are! but you never know whats going to happen. For example, a totally ridiculous synth part may be commited to a track, or a vocal may be done with the microphone facing the wrong direction (this has happened before and i wont mention names) or soda may be spilled into something important. On the other hand, i love walking in at the end of the day to see all the fantastic work that has been accomplished without me having to be chained to the console all night.
Well, tuesday's work didn't really fall into either category. Tim and Christian were set up to do acoustic and electric guitars, vocals, and pretty much anything else except drums and bass - which i usually handle anyway. They had 3 or 4 songs to get overdubs done on, so i was sure that large chucks of the work would be knocked off.
Not Quite.
When i came home they played me "Life is So Bright" which they had been working on for 3 hours or so. The result? A synth track, an acoustic track, and a track of electic guitar - actually, they didn't get that because the amp was flipping out and had to be swapped. As i listened to the stuff they had (which was really cool for sure) Christian just kept saying "i can't believe this is all we did!".
I figured i'd take some shots of them while they were doing some electrics...
Tim is playing the old Million Time Winner Les Paul. It is as heavy as a bag of concrete.

Here's a stirring shot of micrphones pointed at a speaker.

This little video clip pretty much sums up how i found these two "working" when i got there. I wonder why so little got done?

I want to get this project done in January, but there's pretty much no way in the world that's going to happen. There is so much to do still - i feel like i will be editting every night from 11 PM on for the next month. Next session i hope to knock off at least 1 vocal track, so hopefully we'll get some shots of the ladies singing instead of christian acting like a lunatic. Although that is always worth not getting some work done!

until next week...


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