Two posts in one day!?!
Well, i actually just recorded some drum work and figured i'd put the clip up that Sandi shot. I had this crazy idea of getting a drum loop recorded by playing along to a very sped up clip of "faith looks up", then playing my recorded drum segment back at normal speed. If you did this with magnetic tape it would just sound like real low and mushy drums. But in this case i wanted a real grainy, digitally streched sound, so i used this fancy digital looper thingy that i use when i do the space-terror-rock-jazz-thing with The Big Mechanical Bull. When you dial back the tempo on recorded drums, they sound really cool and techno. Or something like that. Here's a clip of me recording on my son Sammy's vintage Stewart and Ludwig orange sparkle set carefully wedged in the corner of his room. Check out the decor.
later nits -
later nits -
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