
The Last Monday Night Session

Last night was the official LAST night of tracking/mixing for The New Ancients. You heard me right.... we now have a full album awaiting mastering to be done this wednesday. The album also has a title... you ready?
"Light For Dark Eyes".
There it is. Don't complain or make other suggestions, as they will be promptly ignored. The batteries in the cam were dead, so tom only snapped a couple pics... here's basically what the night looked like:

Christian and i made little changes to things here and there to try and tighten up the mixes before we take everything to Plink's in 2 days. That leaves just tonite to make any REAL last minute fixes, which is good because i want this project done and off my plate. Again - this is the curse of having your own studio based on a DAW (digital audio workstation - i.e. computer): you can tweak and make changes ad nauseum till the cows come home and never be finished. I try to keep reminding myself that Ted Templeman and Van Halen recorded Van Halen I in like 8 days or something. 8 Days from first hitting record to masters! that's the way to do it. Anyway, by the end of the night we had full mixes of every song on disc that christian, michelle and i are to listen to and make notes on for possible mix changes late tonite, then christian and i will be heading to 17th ave productions (ONLY ONCE THIS TIME!!!!!) tomorrow. I'll get the cam charged up and take a pic or 2 of Plink in action. That's about it for this week... again - the camera was dead so no vids for your moment of zen... but i found a pic on a web site that should suffice: Check It Out Here.
See you Thursday!


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