
Steph Finishes... Or Does She?

Howdy Snappers.
Last night we hit yet another mile marker: Steph has officially finished her parts on this recording. *please take this time to weep gently with your face in your hands, or on the shoulder of a loved one close by*.... *ok, now snap out of it*.
Christian was sick yesterday (as was i, but i didn't have to sing, so here i am), so he didn't make it to the session. Steph was there with her friend Alex - who i'm pretty sure is her new agent/manager/bodyguard and as usual Tom Sasso was shootin' pics and talking about fights at hardcore shows and spraypaintin' stuff. We also had a special guest appearance by the one and only Andy Bova who was sitting in to pick up recording tips as he is just setting his studio up with the same system i use here. He doesn't know what he's walking into though. Look at the fear in his face:

Also absent (again) was Tim. Where has he been? I've been needing my assistant! I need someone to get me my coffee! Untangle those mic cables! answer the door! let the dog out! let the dog back in! rub my back! rub tom's back! *ahem* He and his girlfriend Emily decided to take some serious time off and head out across the country on their way to Hawaii, then back to the west coast, then at some undetermined time coming back here (hopefully). They are traveling with some grizzled old sea captain too, so they've got that going for them. While you're wasting time reading this blog, you may as well waste some more by checking in on their whereabouts at Their TRAVEL BLOG HERE. Navagation on that site is a bit cryptic, but worth it in the end. There are some great pictures of their travels. Maybe by the time they return this CD will be done? maybe? maybe not. only time will tell. It always does.
We worked on "Happy Souls" last night for the most part, along with a bunch of little mix tweaks for a few other tunes. Here's steph being patient while i teach andy some fancy computer skillz:

And here we are talkin' shop and wastin' time. Look at that pic of me. What a nurd! I look somewhat taken by andy's sky blue hat:

Tom had a brand new 100 watt lightbulb installed in the side of his head earlier in the week. I think this helps him take great photos:

Here's a classic shot of one of the biggest studio no-no's there is. Tom manages to catch me with a cup of joe perched on the mixing board. I should know better as in the past i have spilled 3/4's of a bottle of beer into the exact group of faders on this console. No good. Although it may be argued that it made the board actually sound better. At least it made for a fun night of cleanup.

Now, back on the subject of Tim. In honor of him not being around, i did a re-mixed version of one of his Patrick Swift songs called "I Like Stuff" after someone brought up the idea while eating at the Red Bank diner on saturday night. So sunday, i got to work. Now, it's technically not a remix as i did not have any of his source tracks to actually re-mix, this is a brand new tune with samples from the original flown in. It's a good example of a "one-day-song". I played bass, keys, and Sammy's drumset for this recording. Listening tips: crank volume, crank bass control, insert little glow sticks in mouth (or baby pacifier), turn off lights, remove shirt (not you girls), drink 3 red bulls, spin in circles repeatedly. Enjoy!
I Like Stuff ReMix.mp3

So, there you have it -> But before you go, here it is, your moment of zen:


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