
hey ho and welcome to my little corner of the orb web site.

i'm suprised you managed to find it tucked all the way down here.
Anyway, my name is pete and i'm the one recording and producing this
CD that the ORB is putting together. What's this CD all about?
Well, we at ORB have been singing a handfull of songs for a while now
that we feel are pretty spiffy. They are a mixture of original songs and
older hymns that Christian has written new music for and sometimes added
choruses or little re-arrangements. Since we have tons of very musically
inclined people here, we decided to record these before we forget 'em.
I must say that this is some of the best stuff i've ever recorded and
it features some absolutely genius playing by the people who are apart
of our community. We're really excited to let you all hear what we've
been brewing up over here, so in the meantime, you can read about it.

I've ordered web-master-matt to give me this space so that i can keep
everyone up to date on the progress of the project, as i hear requests
constantly for more tunes to be done. Keep your pants
on, we're gettin' there. I will put up pics and maybe a short video clip or 2
(if jay ever gives me his tape) so you can see what the recording process
looks like along with a weekly description of what we get done.

So... to kick it off, here's what's done:

Mercy Chases Me
Be Merciful
There Still is Room

Here's whats almost done (as of this post):

Dying Faith
Jesus Savior of my Soul
Jesus Master
Fairest Lord Jesus

Here's what still needs a lot of work:

Our Song Be Sung
Happy Souls
My Faith Looks Up

There are a few more we have not even started yet, (or even picked out for that matter),
but we will try to hurry up and get this done for early next year ('06).


This is the ORB Worship CD Blog

All of the news, updates, pics, samples, and whatnot that you could ever wish for.