
Album layout sneak peek....

Here are some of the preliminary cover ideas we've come up with for this CD. Get comfy, cause there's lots here. I know you're all excited to see these...

A little kung-foo anyone? This one's for Andy. *snicker*

nice pipe. I think i could set my watch by that haircut.

no idea what this is all about.

good times ahead!

a recent New Ancients photo shoot

costume change. are the collars big enough?

more of the same

Hair. Discuss.

Hjarter Fem means rock.

...by a karate chop to the spine by that guy in the first cover.

too serious i think.

where there sings songs about logs, there goes no audience... me thinks.

after all, isn't this what ORB is?

looks like a tuesday night YAG meeting.

...no comment.

in honor of mustache week.

poor kid. nothing says "this album rocks" like a sheepish photoshoot with pops.

one of my favorites. hey tim! "I like Stuff!"

that one dude on the right blew a fuse in his unit i think.

do my legs look too shiny in this one?

too grim?

well, there it is. Let us know which one you like.


Still Waiting.....

Hey hey -
Quick update to say welcome back to Tim, Emily and Jonesy. They have returned from their globe trekking and have settled again (for the time being) back in NJ. Nice.
In CD news, no super duper developments yet other than the CD art is currently in the works and we've been reviewing roughs via email. Looks real good so far. Also, we're working on new songs already. Yup. Scary huh? this CD isn't even out yet and i'm talking about new stuff. As long as we pay this one off quick (which looks like it will happen pretty soon), we'll do another. Expect that in about a year though. We have 4 brand new tunes we're testing out on people thursday, tuesday, and sunday nights at ORB as well as probably 6 to 7 older ones that we never got to on this album that we can pick from.
In the meantime, i've been working on new songs for The RingOut (Tim, Jeff and my other band) and songs for Chris DeLaCruz. So much good stuff... anyway - that's it for now!